YK is a luxury handmade bags brand created by women for women. Based in Lebanon, and
stemming from a desire to empower women, and a feeling of deep commitment to
contribute to our society, YK started as an idea that aims to support talented ladies to
partake a vital part in the fashion industry, delivering and preserving the highest, most extravagant quality.
Our bags are a genuine representation of our values and reflect our devotion to women who design, craft, and wear our brand.
Each and every piece of our collections are treated as an unrivaled work of art, honoring the artistry, finesse, and sophistication that goes in each one of them.
YK offers stunning, unique, lavish bags that are easy to wear, come in a variety of amazing designs and brilliant colors, and are made exclusively of high-quality materials.
From the delicacy of our hands to the comfort of yours, we’d love to see you wearing it